miércoles, enero 21, 2009

Friends are also forever!!!

Diamonds are forever... so friends are!
This is a small response to a little post on Miren's flog...
This post is dedicated to her and the sincere friendship she offered to me. Thank you very very much! =)
Seven years ago, Van introduced her to me as his girlfriend... I was so happy that he could find one! xD (yeah I'm evil!) but then I started to hate her, because my best friend ever was not talking to me as much as before U_U he was all the time with her =/
I started to talk to her and I realized that she was a wonderful girl and I was so happy that Van could find someone like Miren. We became "cuñis" (sisters in law xD) and very good friends... we loved (and still love) making some bad jokes to Van xDDD (Miren, if u're reading this post: do u remember when we told Van that I was pregnant? he nearly kills Ale! xD and when we told him that we were lesbian and fell in love to each other??? xD he acted really weird to us and I guess that he was going to vomit!!! xD OMG! so good memories!).
We live sooo far away from each other, but thx to internet we became really good friends (best friends) we spend our time talking about life, gorgeous guys (we share Sessh, Beto, Juanes, Dante (80% Miren and 20% mine), Colin Firth and some more xD), bad men (there are a lot!!!), pets (hedgehogs and cats), movies, vampires, anime and manga, singing on mic (karaoke nights xD), crushes and so on! I have no words to describe how thankful I am for being her friend.

Well, Miren, there are a lot of things to remind and so few space here... when I was depressed u were there for me (and I was also there for you) and I really appreciate that... THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR FRIENDSHIP! IT IS VERY VALUABLE TO ME! and I wish our friendship never dies! I really wish you well and I am pretty sure u will find your charming prince and you will have a lot of children! (want nephews!!! xD)

Well, I am speechless now... but I guess there r no words in any language to express my gratitude and my love for this girl... Luv ya "cuñis"! =3

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Ay Cuñis! Te quiero mucho!!

Todo lo que siento lo he expresado ya en mi metroflog..

siempre cuentas conmigo =) cuidateee

tu también encontrarás a tu charming prince y viviremos con nuestro erizo y nuestro gato jaja

Anónimo dijo...

Ay Cuñis! Te quiero mucho!!

Todo lo que siento lo he expresado ya en mi metroflog..

siempre cuentas conmigo =) cuidateee

tu también encontrarás a tu charming prince y viviremos con nuestro erizo y nuestro gato jaja

Alina Kristall dijo...

siiii y seran novios y tendrán hijitos gatierizos xD así tipo Sonic! xD

Anónimo dijo...

Solo quiero que sepas que ambas son las mujeres que mas quiero en esa vida ^^ daria la vida misma por ustedes e igual mataria a quien sea por ustedes.

Las amo ^^

Alina Kristall dijo...

Lo sabemos Van ;) no puedes vivir sin nosotras xDDD somos tus mujeres, lo recuerdas? xDDDDDD