lunes, septiembre 08, 2008

Para los comments siguientes... jaja (For next comments... haha)

Bueno, chicos... ustedes saben que los coacciono para que posteen... pero eso no significa que vayan a poner puro florito de una línea o dos... pongan lo que salga del corazón y no solamente un post por cumplir... Vean al pobre Ed lindo! (aunque Roy es más lindo ;) hehe)

TEXT IN THE PIC: Everytime you post something stupid on this blog, Ed becomes 1cm smaller... - Think about Ed!

Well guys... you know I am always asking you for posting some comments on my blog! but that doesn't mean that you will write one or two lines of nonsense... let your heart write a post here, and don't write just because u don't want me to tease you until you post xD... think about this poor lovely Ed! (but Roy is much more lovely! ;) hehehe)

2 comentarios:

Patty_Mara dijo...

this is the third time trying to write this post... ahhhh (hate this internet connection) well making it short... ed is cute that way.. it will be sad if he gains some height. but for him i will comment.. jajaja but not just for him... ally is my friend so i will also comment here jaja

Anónimo dijo...

Pobre Ed! siii es que la gente..¬¬¬¬¬ vaaa...con mi se hace 1 cm mnos alto verda??? aumenta 5 cm mas! xq mi coment e svaliosiisimoooooo! xDDD