Bakura?! You are so lucky! Even if you do enjoy to STEAL things. Well, Bakura and you have much in common. You can trust eachother and tell eachother ANYTHING! You should feel proud, it's hard to get close to someone like Bakura. He's not very interested in mere mortals, afterall. But you are obviously different. Your relationship will have alot of action in it *wink wink* and you will love eachother forever. Mind you, you will fight alot more than normal couples, considering you'll be stealing eachothers things every so often, but you will always end up kissing and making up. (Sometimes making out! Tee hee! Sorry, I'm a bit tipsy... *hiccup*)Yes, Bakura will treasure you forever! Good luck with your marrige!
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(Back off bitches!!! HE'S MINE!!!)
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2 comentarios:
y a mi ese mono que o ke? :P
osea hello xD
a mi no me gusta mono feo ese
y menos algo de el xD
espero que estes bien
te quiero mucho mi ally bonita
te adoro
bye :)
te mando muchos besos y abrazos, bye :)
Esteban un extraño comentario no lo crees????
bien amiga ese si es tu match!!!!
conociendote jajaja nos vemos
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