viernes, marzo 07, 2008

A CREEPY test I took!

One of my friends (I won't say his name because this test goes against his moral and so! xD) gave me the link to solve this test (why? I don't know why! and i don't want to know!) It's very creepy, but also funny (I want to freak out some people here xD)... Well at least I am not like Wii (cheap and fun!) It seems like I am very expensive hahahaha so the man I marry will won the lottery! (with all the money he will save up! hahahaha)
Well! I hope u can also solve the test and let me know ur results :P

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2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Te lo pasé porque lo pusieron en un foro y parecía divertido :D
Como t dije, no tengo idea de si lo que sale es caro o barato, eso depende del mercado gringo. Ni siquiera conozco el mercado local :S
Por cierto, a mí me salió $1026 :D

Patty_Mara dijo...

interesante..... pero no es para nada crrepy... well i just i already dont know what is the difference between evil and good.... rare or common..... i lost my path... mmm i got 1150