jueves, mayo 10, 2007

Which TLOTR Girl are u?

You're the fairest of all elves, LUTHIEN!!! Go you! You have dark shadowy hair, grey eyes, and like to dance in the moon light on the banks of an enchanted river! You fell in love with Beren, a mortal. Daddy did not like that, daddy made Beren go get shiny jewel. He get shiny jewel, but gets trapped. You go save him with magic hair cloak and songs. You two marry. he dies, you die. You two get your own song. YOU'RE SO SPEACIAL!!!!

15 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 149 times.
19% of people had this result.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Bueno, creo q el test da en el clavo en algunos puntos: La elfica (y bellisima) apariencia, el talento para el canto, el hecho de q los chicos hacen (hacemos) realmente de todo por ti... Aunque no creo que tu historia llegue a ser tan tragica, y sobre todo, como es eso de que "YOU'RE SO SPEACIAL!!!!"???
You're son damn UNIQUE!